o  Simple LED blinking using Arduino Mega 2560 and Bluetooth module HC-05:

o   Components:
Arduino Mega 2560 (x1)
Bluetooth Module HC-05 (x1)
LED (x3)
10-ohm Resistance (x3)
Jumper Wire (As per Required)
o   Circuit Diagram:

o   Connection:

Ø  Take an Arduino Mega 2560/Uno, then take Bluetooth module HC-05.
Ø  Now connect the VCC terminal of the HC-05 to 5V Terminal of Arduino and connect ground (GND) terminal of HC-05 to GND terminal of Arduino.
Ø  Now connect RXD pin of HC-05 to TX0>1 Terminal of Arduino.
Ø  Now connect TXD pin of HC-05 to RX0>0 Terminal of Arduino.
Ø  Here we take pin no 11,12 and 13 of Arduino as a output pin so connect 11,12 and 13 pin with 10 ohm resistance of LED 1, LED 2 and LED 3.
Ø  Now connect this resistance with positive (Long leg) of LED.
Ø  And finally give common ground to all LEDs with GND terminal of Arduino.

o   Program:

Ø  For programming open the Arduino IDE software which is available on Arduino official website.
Ø  Copy the given program and paste it in Software then connect the Arduino with your laptop or pc and upload the program in Arduino.
Ø  Note: To upload the program please remove the Rx and Tx pin from Arduino board. Otherwise it will give error while uploading.

char junk;
String inputString="";
void setup()                    // run once, when the sketch starts
 Serial.begin(9600);            // set the baud rate to 9600, same should be of your Serial Monitor
 pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
void loop()
      char inChar = (char)Serial.read(); //read the input
      inputString += inChar;        //make a string of the characters coming on serial
    while (Serial.available() > 0) 
    { junk = Serial.read() ; }      // clear the serial buffer
    if(inputString == "1"){         //in case of '1' turn the LED 1 on
      digitalWrite(11, HIGH); 
    }else if(inputString == "0"){   //incase of '0' turn the LED 1 off
      digitalWrite(11, LOW);
     if(inputString == "2"){         //in case of '2' turn the LED 2 on
      digitalWrite(12, HIGH); 
    }else if(inputString == "0"){   //incase of '0' turn the LED 2 off
      digitalWrite(12, LOW);
     if(inputString == "3"){         //in case of '3' turn the LED 3 on
      digitalWrite(13, HIGH); 
    }else if(inputString == "0"){   //incase of '0' turn the LED 3 off
      digitalWrite(13, LOW);
    inputString = "";

o   Working Demo:
You Can see the working Demo on my Youtube channel by searching "CreZy ElecTriCal EnGinEer"
or you can see the video by click the give link.


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